The Spiritual Programme
All Boys and staff of diverse faiths worship together in the Chapel. This has always been an especially appreciated part of the school’s routine, by parents no less than by the boys and the staff. Many a man has admitted that, in his final analysis of what St. Paul’s meant to him as a boy, it is the effect of inclusive, liberal corporate worship in the Chapel that has remained uppermost. Boys and staff of many faiths and denominations share and, to some extent, officiate in the experience. Many of the Occasional Prayers used in the services are, to quote a few, poems from Gitanjali or other works by Rabindranath Tagore, quotations from the Gita, Shri Ramakrishna Paramahansa and Swami Vivekananda, from the Bhagavad Gita and the Holy Koran.

The Chapel and the Rector’s assemblies and sermons are the value centre of the life of the School, and no effort is spared to make the building and the services as beautiful as possible. The uniformity, we believe, is essential to the well-being of any good school. The Chapel Service is a salient feature of the educational value of St. Paul’s.
Morning service is held daily from Monday to Friday. Every Sunday there is Choral Matins, suitably adapted or Evensong, and Holy Communion for the Christian staff and boy every Sunday.