Being A Great Sport At St. Paul’s School, Darjeeling

St. Paul’s Darjeeling is a home away from home, a boarding school with a difference in every field. Here we go beyond education to give the children the best in every field. We value the importance of games, sports and physical activity and how they help in a 360-degree development of a child.

Continuous physical activity helps develop the child’s focus in every aspect of life including studies. It has been seen that sports not only helps in building a child physically it helps them grow mentally, as it directly affects their academic performance, builds self confidence, gives the child the means to solve problems faster and reduces anxiety.

Being a top boarding school in India we understand this phenomenon and try to give our students the facilities for games, sports and other physical activities. The morning starts with a fifteen minutes of physical activity before school. This is conducted by the Prefects under the supervision of our P.T. Masters.

Each boy plays organised games for two hours a day, five times a week, under the supervision of a teacher. The junior and primary boys are divided into sets and games are played according to the season. On Wednesdays & Saturdays after the class hours students engage in hobbies and other creative activities including games fixtures with other schools. Sundays are also spent in organised games and other free creative activities.

Being situated in Darjeeling provides added advantages. We provide our boys with mountaineering lessons in collaboration with Himalayan Mountaineering Institute (HMI). Also, we are the only school in Darjeeling to have an obstacle training course.

The major games are cricket, football and hockey. Tennis, badminton, table-tennis, squash, basketball and volleyball are also played; and there are short seasons for athletics and Marathon runs. Students also learn Karate from a trained instructor.

There are very few places in the world where Eton Fives is played and St. Paul’s is one of them; this is a sport which is ideally suited to our monsoon conditions.

There are television sets for all three wings with satellite TV connections so that boys can watch important sporting events regularly. When the weather does not permit an outdoor activity there are plenty of indoor games that keep children happily occupied.

There is a N.C.C. troop at St. Paul’s for Class VIII to Class X boys. Students are also encouraged to work on the estate, rock climbing, map reading, first aid and plant study.

Being the best boys boarding school in Darjeeling our responsibilities are tremendous and we give our best in the complete development of our boys.