
Why Should Your Child Study In Primary Wing


Education breaks down all barriers and imbibes within the human soul the perfection of humanity; such is its gift and we at St. Paul’s, Darjeeling, strive to achieve its values and have been doing so for the past two hundred years. The sheer length of time is testament of the fact that St. Paul’s has been sending forth gentlemen who have helped make this world a better place to live in and still continues to do so.

Success in imparting not just education but quality education stems from the trust that parents have been reposing on us over these two hundred years. St. Paul’s has stood the test of time and it would not be incorrect to state that even time today comes forth to support our cause to sound, value education.

Time and again the question has been asked: why a student should join at a young age in a boarding school. Time it is that makes all the difference in the growth of an individual: the more time a student spends in our school the greater is the learning process.

In this context, St. Paul’s has always believed that students who join us in the primary classes benefit the most from the all-round development that it has to offer. A young mind is easier to mould and responds more efficiently.

Education in not only imparted through books but also through the environment in which the person lives. St. Paul’s being a top boarding school of India, shapes a student’s character in the classroom, on the games field, on the stage, in the dormitory, in the dining hall, during excursions and in many other important ways that tend to get neglected in the rat race. We have tended and cared for the young minds in the Primary Wing for years on end, nurturing them to realize their full potential and have put them on the desired path to a fulfilled life through their years in the school.

Joining in the Primary Wing, enables the teachers and trainers to identify specific areas and accordingly guide the little hearts to work on their strengths and strengthen their shortcomings. Young minds respond quickly to guidance and are able to overcome the odds at a quicker pace than older students who join us at higher classes.

St. Paul’s is a purely boarding school, it is all the more necessary that students join in the Primary Wing as they are able to adjust quickly; make many friends with ease; develop independent learning habits; take to reading books; be responsible and develop on various aspects of everyday existence.

Young minds today are constantly bombarded with the advancement in technology. Technology is good and here to stay but let us also not ignore the fact that little children probably do not need it so early in their age. It is here that St. Paul’s Primary Wing comes into the picture as the best boarding school in India. Parents can rest at ease as their children can have a joyous childhood without the temptations of modern technology till, they reach maturity in their judgement. Children, here, get to live their life to the fullest without being dictated to by devices.

Nestled in the Himalayas, the situational advantage clearly makes St. Paul’s the best boarding school in Darjeeling thus providing the children with pure, fresh air that is good for their health; pleasant weather that provides a comfortable atmosphere to concentrate on their studies and games; the scenic beauty of the snow-covered Himalayas refreshes the little minds and helps them to feel one with nature.

All these and much more about St. Paul’s, Primary Wing come together to help provide an all-round, holistic education for the mind, the body and the soul.


Mr. Agnelo Dennis

Head Primary Wing


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