Annual Sports Day 2022

The Annual Sports Day was held on 30th September 2022. Primary Wing, Junior and Senior Wings students eagerly took part in various sports events. The finals of track events, shuttle relays, sack race for the Primary Wing, were events that were set aside for the Annual Sports Day.

Col. Rajeev Gupta (Ground Landing Officer) who is presently serving as the acting Deputy Commander in the Jalapahar Army Cantonment was the chief guest for the sports day.

The event commenced with the flag hoisting by the Chief Guest. We were glad to have many parents visit the school to witness their children participate in the events. The Top Field was beautifully decorated by the present class 10 students.

Havelock House and Betten won the Athletics Standard Cup as well as Athletics Shield 2022. Hunt won the Athletic cup in PW

In addition to the sports event the Primary, Junior and Senior Wings exhibited their hobbies such as philately, photography and various forms of art and craft, in their respective Wings. Parents and visitors were very appreciative of the creative display of students’ talents.

The Musical Evening programme was held in the evening in the school auditorium. The School Choir, along with students from Primary, Junior and Senior Wings, entertained the parents with melodious songs. The Choir Master and the Music Teacher Mr. Pemba Tamang mesmerized the parents and students with his flawless instrumental item.


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