
Inter-School Robotics Championship (National Level)

The prestigious Inter-School Robotics Championship (National Level) organised by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) in collaboration with IIT Delhi was held at CISCE, Centre of Excellence – Hyderabad from 11th to 13th November, 2024.

This was a national level round comprising of 24 schools from 4 zones of the country (Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai and Bengaluru), each school having qualified their respective Zonal Rounds earlier. A total of 6 teams from the East Zone qualified in the Zonal Round which was held at La Martiniere for Girls, Kolkata on 22nd October, 2024.

Team SPS members:

Aditya Kharga (Team Leader)

Nath Rattanapanang

Vanshraj N Banerjee

Toufiq Raihan

Mr Sisir Gurung (Mentor)

It was a moment of immense pride that our school made it to the top eight thereby qualifying for the quarter finals. Overall, around 1000 schools from India had participated to start with. Our boys got certificates of national level participation and medals for both mentors and the boys.

This championship was a first of its kind to be held in the country at the school level which comprised of students from Classes 9 to 12. It demonstrated the growing integration of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in present school education, focusing on innovation and teamwork, to design, build and code robots that can do complex tasks.

In this competition, we had to code robots that can help in assembling a home, in which tasks like placing walls, doors, windows and even opening them, had to be done – all in two and half minutes!

Called ‘co-botics’ it is robots collaborating with humans, a practical application of robotics. It also highlighted the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in our curriculum.

It was overall an incredible and enriching experience for all of us.


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