The Annual Primary Wing Second Language Concert was held on the 3rd of September 2022 in the PW Hall. Among those present were the Acting Administrator Mr. Peter Lepcha the Heads of the 2nd languages Mr. Gautam Bhattacharjee, Mr. P. S. Chatuvedi and Mr. Mahendra Mukhia. Few parents also graced the concert.
The Bengali department putting up Rabindra Sangeet, a poem, group song, skit and a dance. The Nepali department followed this performance by a short skit and a Nepali song while the Hindi department came up with poem recitals, group song, short skit and a dance routine.
The teachers Mrs. M. Mondal(Bengali), Mrs. N. Sinha(Hindi) and Mr. Y. Sunam(Nepali) must be congratulated for all their hard work in preparing the boys and one girl who ultimately put up a wonderful performance.