Quizeeling 2023

In a remarkable event organized by Mukh Bandh Kaam Suru (MBKS), a non-profit organization, 24 schools competed for victory in the prestigious “Quizeeling”Interschool competition. The quiz team, consisting of Sayantan Das (Class-9), SK Hasibur (Class-10), and Pritam Raj (Class-9), showcased their knowledge and talent, successfully progressing through the preliminary rounds and semifinals to secure a coveted spot in the Grand Finale. The climactic moments of the competition witnessed an electrifying finish, with St. Paul’s School emerging as the triumphant winner by providing an astute response to the final question.

The young quiz champions expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the honorable Rector, Mr. Peter Lepcha, for his constant and invaluable support throughout their journey.

We also like to thank our Master in Charge (MIC) Mr. Sanjive Rai and Mr Aayush Rai , whose guidance and expertise played a crucial role in their remarkable achievement.

With this significant victory, St. Paul’s School secured the title in the 1st edition of the Quizeeling interschool competition, etching their name in the annals of history as the pioneering winners of this prestigious event. The event unfolded at the Gymkhana in Darjeeling, setting the stage for intellectual prowess and friendly rivalry among the participating schools.


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