On 28th August the school hosted the Darjeeling Poetry Festival – a joint initiative by St. Paul’s and Kobita Studio of Kolkata. Kobita Studio is a Performing Art school run by our ex Biology master Mr. Nilachol Chottoraj (1979-86). They brought 27 reciters, anchors, elocutionists who recited poetry in different languages on this occasion. The Acting Administrator Mr Peter Lepcha inaugurated the poetry festival. Our boys Rakshak Dahal, Aryan Kumar, Hassibur Rehaman and Aditya Kharga elocuted in Nepali, Hindi Bengali and French, respectively. Aditya Vikram Ghosh played a beautiful Rabindra sangeet medley on the piano. Diptarka Saha and Mijabul Ishan sang the opening song. Porosh Patwary sang a wonderful closing song. Finally, Mr Goutam Bhattacharya, our head of the Bengali and Second Languages Department spoke on this occasion and recited a Bengali modern poem. The programme was well received by the entire audience. This was a great cultural exchange programme where we were enriched with great literal flavour.